I have been a fan of Joseph Finder for quite some time now so when I was approved for a review of Judgment I broke into the requisite approved dance and got to reading ASAP. Like other reads by this author, the suspense does not letup and before long, the last page is turned, and the last sentence is read. I always look back like what the hell? I wasn't ready for it to end.
Judgment introduces us to the honorable Judge Juliana Brody who usually plays it safe until one night, against her better judgment, she has a one-night stand. Determined to move on and get back to walking the straight and narrow path, Juliana is blind-sided when she sees the man she had the one-night stand with in her courtroom as counsel for the defendants. Because the case she is presiding over is a high profile Enter the requisite blackmail notice and readers might suspect Judgment will be unoriginal... but everyone makes mistakes. It's OK. That's why we have judges to make it right.
Juliana Brody proves her self to be a formidable adversary for the extremely bad powers that be. Knowing that any move she makes could lead to either death or humiliation, she charges forward with her plans to tilt the scales of justice in her favor.
What Finder makes work here in Judgment is that he provides a heroine that you can't help rooting for. Plus, the bad guys are really shitty bad guys that will hesitate at nothing to get what they want. In order for Judgment to work as well as it does is to have a protagonist that has the right connections. Once the antagonist is discovered, it's hard seeing how an every-man has a chance.
Although I objected to finally coming off this roller coaster with Joseph Finder and Judge Brody, I am excited to tell other fans of his work that Judgment is a great, fast-paced thriller, that I have come to expect from Finder. I find in favor of Finder's fans. ****
Copy provided by Penguin Group via Netgalley
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