My reason for this "editorial" is to say that I've been approached by authors who write in many different genres yet my personal go-to are mysteries or suspenseful reads. The type of books you'd find in the airport and frequent the bestseller lists. These books aren't difficult to analyze, summarize, or fall into any literary category. They are simply fun to read. I don't deny these works are "easy". Yet, I have been asked why I choose these novels instead of books written by people of color.
My ex-boyfriend and I frequently debate my inclination to act "white" or assimilate into "white" culture more than black. His argument is based on the fact that 85% of the shows I watch are cast with an all-white lineup such as The Big Bang Theory, Family Guy, Monk, or even the B-Horror films I seek on Netflix. My response is always that the "black" shows or movies always seem to be lacking something. Their is a beginning, a middle, and an end. There is no character development, scenery description, or an attempt to deviate from the black caricature we portray in film.
I could have easily suggested no people of color write novels like John Grisham or Stephen King. I like suspense, blood, crime, good guys finding the bad guys and prevailing. The literature that infests the "urban" market is littered with bad guys that only further glamorize thug life, or women who hate men. Don't get me wrong, I love Terry McMillan, and I love that she continues to portray black women as unbreakable, I can't believe that none of the men in her works are just as amazing. Not every black male abandoned their family. I was blessed to know a few in my own family.
My point is this, I can't enjoy SOME black literature because it glamorizes the hustle life, making role models of women who are only famous after having a child with someone who put in the work to get where they've gotten, or the bitter single woman who's hellbent on proving her worth because of a man. I refuse to spend the previous little time of leisure I do have on novels written as Love & Hip-Hop scenes.
The authors I commend are the Toni Morrison's, Victor Lavelle's, Cynthia Bond's, Colson Whitehead's, and Gloria Naylor's to name a few. Their content is true to the Black American narrative yet thought-provoking and inspiring. Sure, I love a good raunchy title such as Kimberla Roby Lawson thrown in the mix, but she doesn't feed into the social bias Black Americans have been... forced into.
Eric Jerome Dickey used to be my favorite author as a teen. Milk in My Coffee was too hard to ignore. To this day, The Coldest Winter Ever haunts my mind. Although there have been followup novels (that my ex speaks highly of) I can't bring myself to read them. I outgrew Sister Souljah and her character "Midnight" because I no longer have space in my world for their lifestyle. I wish I didn't have to marry the two topics because they are rightfully two different issues but... after having been a victim and witness to the senseless killing and murder of people in the black community by others in our community and then... having to defend our worth to the recently emboldened closet racists or "alt-right"... or whatever they call themselves, I think back to what I've read in my 33 years. And I have read a lot. A LOT!!! Reading is my hobby. Some say that but their reading is limited to the latest Zhane novel or Dickey that has quite frankly turned to smut.
The last title I picked up by him contained more sex than actual plot.
Anyway, I've gone off on a tangent.
My point now, and then with my ex, is that I don't read novels written by people of color (generally) because there's no depth, very little character development, an obsessive amount of drama or simply feeds into the image most white people think we are. The rapper, drug-dealer, the unruly vagrant that deserved the excessive force that has any black man assuming if they are pulled over, there is a greater their life will be ended instead of simply going home with a simple traffic ticket or citation. I can't even express how many comments I've read that proclaim "if you don't resist you don't______" insert dumb-ass statement there.
No I'm not suggesting we conform to "white" culture, but I do suggest we as a people, a community, as a family take responsibility in giving the police and white American's reason to believe we're animals, murderers, guilty of contempt... We argue this system wasn't made for us yet we defend those who come in direct conflict with Common Law. Common Law? The basic right to live; To life... Children are being murdered on our streets... yet no one is outraged? The outrage only seems to surface when it's a cop that murders one of us. AND YES! I know the inner-city crime is something else, I won't review favorably a novel that glorifies hustling, fucking up (having sex with an athlete or celeb as income), or Reality TV show reboots. Sorry,
I love my black people who have made their space in entertainment. My reviews are reserved for those who see past their "urban literature" audience and inspire their readers to grow. I hope I got my point across... if not... hit me up. I am happy to respond to any and all inquiries.
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