I'm a fan of Joseph Finder. He's never let me down when I'm in need of an in-between book. An "in-between" book for me is a quick read, not demanding of too many brain cells, and is a genuinely fun ride. First let me say, I mean no disrespect to Finder and I certainly don't want to imply he's not a formidable author, because he is. I just find that the work I have read of his is written (as I've said before in other reviews I've written for him) that his novels are similar to a movie plot. And accordingly so. I won't Google the list of his novels that have been turned into motion pictures because whoever you are reading this review, should do some work as well (heehee). I'm just stating in no uncertain terms that I can picture the scene in a movie as I'm reading this particular author.
And really! What author wouldn't want to make it to the big screen? I mean... how cool is that.So... I've been meaning to read the Nick Heller series for some time but I have no time... no time at all. Between working full-time and taking three classes I just have no time. Finder's novels fit right in the few moments I have to get lost in a story and he never disappoints.
Nick Heller is a bad-ass and is very good at his chosen profession of being a private spy after serving in the Army, and working in Special Ops for the Department of Defense. Suffice it to say he's well equipped and super capable of handling any job thrown his way. Heller is asked to investigate and kill a scandal that threatens a Supreme Court Justice by bringing to light an alleged affair with a call-girl. Before long, Heller discovers there's more to the scandal than meets the eye. His investigation causes him to cross paths with some very dangerous people who will stop at nothing to destroy whoever's in their way.
When I began Guilty Minds I was nervous that since this title is the third in the series I would be missing out on a lot but Finder quickly calmed that fear. It matters to me that I can pick up a book in a series and not feel lost or deprived. Finder weaved enough character background that I didn't feel like I'd missed anything. The first-person narrative provided insight to Heller's character which helped us to bond. Yes! I must bond with my protagonist.
I could end this review here and not get into my gripes but... that would be dishonest. Gripe #1 (and a little hypocritical of me) is that I felt a little more description could have helped Guilty Minds shift from the movie-option feel and fall better into the literal category. Those who first discover Finder may feel there was too much missing with the thinly placed characters, too short action scenes, and the quintessential love interest and damsel(s) in distress. The speed this novel moves at didn't allow these moments to develop. They simply happened and then we were on to the next adventure.
I guess when you say gripe #1 that means you have a gripe #2. My #2 gripe is that the ending was too abrupt. Way too abrupt.
Overall, I really did enjoy reading Guilty Minds. Finder is one of my favorite authors. Sure, I usually read his work before diving back into something a little more... literary but that in no way should diminish his work. Fans understand that you find Finder will provide a fast-paced rollercoaster of a ride that demands the reader's attention to the last page. ***
Copy provided by Penguin Group via Netgalley
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