I was stuck between giving Tyler Perry's Higher Is Waiting a 3-star rating but I took a breath, listened to what I think he's referring to as the voice of God and had to be honest with my heart and self and give it a 4-star rating. I tend to rate books on emotion rather than what Book-snobs might because the world is full of authors. Some share amazing stories that stay with us until we die, encased in the perfect prose, while introducing us to remarkable characters who we long to share a beer with. And there are others who write in an uncomplicated manner, with forgettable characters yet, the ride they take us on is thrilling. Allowing us an escape from the humdrum of what we know as life.
Why the rant? Because I feel that Higher Is Waiting sits firmly between the two. This middle ground is also the reason I'm no Tyler Perry fan... which ironically makes me a great candidate in terms of reviewing his work. I don't have an emotional connection to Perry that grants him an underserved bump. I actually started Higher Is Waitingbecause 1) I knew it would be an easy read and 2) because I knew no matter how I felt about this read, it wouldn't matter one bit. He'd still be a megastar with a huge following and there would be tons in his legion to balance out my 2-star rating.
And here I sat (for a moment or two) tinkering between the 3 and 4 star rating. I don't have any illusions of grandeur. I'm no top-reviewer but I am honest. If someone takes the time to read my review, they deserve honesty and not fluff from some fan or spam account. In that spirit I chose to give Perry's Higher Is Waiting a 4-star rating.
I often find that when I read inspirational books similar to this they come at the right time in my life. This title holds true to that assessment. I've recently gone back to school after working 2-jobs for almost 3 years to help make ends meet and it's a challenge. I haven't been in a true classroom setting since 2004 and it sucks. I'm always tired but I know that higher is waiting once I finish planting these seeds.
Perry speaks of a proverbial tree that is similar to life. Higher Is Waiting is split into four parts with the beginning being the planting of the seed. Obviously... right. He goes on to help entice the reader to practice nourishing what was planted, so on and so forth, by offering inspiration from his life. The nuggets of advice he shares with us are married with instances in his life, recent and past, working as a sort of example of how to incorporate his tree of life method.
There is much I don't know about Tyler Perry since I'm no traditional fan of his. Learning of his history, prevailing from the horrors he suffered as a child, and seeing how it all came full circle where he was able to provide for his beloved mother as he'd always wished to do is inspiring in itself. The moments of him writing what seems to be a memoir shine the most for me. Experiences with the blind man or expounding more on Aunt Mae would have given this fast read more literary girth. It's what's most interesting yet underwhelming and understated here. Which brings me to my issue with Perry's work.
My family religiously watches one of his plays or Madea movies every holiday. I don't partake in these rituals because the few experiences I've had with his films have left me wonting. Why Did I Get Married introduced me to Perry because I must support anything with Janet Jackson. She's simply amazing... But that, and it's sequel just felt hurried and underdeveloped. I was able to read this title quickly because of it's lack in depth. Perry could go so much deeper. I know he has deeper... but the higher is where he remains essentially. This reads very surface level when deeper is warranted.
Even though I felt a little deprived in a literal sense, those who choose to read this book will be given plenty of bounty. Perry offers advice on many aspects of life. I don't think he missed much. He covers relationships with friends, family, self, and inspires us to access our current situations in the hopes of pinpointing where we excel or need more work. Ridding myself of the leaves in my life as well as expecting shade from grass are constant battles. Ultimately, anyone looking to be inspired or in need of encouragement will not be disappointed in Higher Is Waiting. I look forward to finding my higher. ****
Copy provided by Random House via Netgalley
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