When I found out Andy Weir had written another novel and I was granted the opportunity to read and review it, I was bouncing off the walls with excitement. Artemis was my chance to finally become acquainted with the author who was responsible for the explosively successful novel turned movie (starring Matt Damon), The Martian. So, The Martian has been waiting for me (patiently) to read in my Kindle as well as to watch on Demand. Suffice it to say, I've been hoping to become one of Weir's many fans.
Am I one of those fans after reading Artemis? Ummm... that remains to be seen.
Jazz Bashara has lived on the moon and made a life for herself as a smuggler. Living on the moon is complicated. I won't bore you with those complications but I can say that it was interesting learning how humans get around with only a fraction of Earth's gravity and the complex system that delivers oxygen to the 2000 inhabitants of the moon cities.
Jazz, who's usually involved in petty smuggling crimes, has the opportunity to make a whole lot of money. Because Jazz wants to live the good life, this seemingly impossible scheme to disable an aluminum, and make a helluva lot of money, Jazz embarks on the impossible. We come along for the entire ride... for better or worse.
Let's begin with some positivity, Artemis was a very interesting book. I don't read too much Sci-Fi but when I do, I can't help but become engrossed in the landscape, the thoughts or visions for our future once we shit all over this planet with our pillaging of its resources. Anyway... initially I was hooked. Jazz is an interesting, brilliant, heroine but about 25% in, I was over her. I mean seriously over her.
I do enjoy funny characters as much as the next person, but when there is some real dangerous shit happening, I figure more humans have the capacity to appreciate that danger instead of making snarky... jokey remarks about it. As if it's not enough that the whole town thinks of her as an whore, her dad does as well. I mean seriously? When her father joined in on the promiscuity jabs I was just like whatever. There's some serious moon air they're smoking (but not really smoking because a fire would be the worse thing ever).
Either way it goes, Artemis is definitely an interesting read. I can't say with any certainty I'm a drop dead fan of Andy Weir's but I still on planning on reading The Martian. I have not given up on this author just yet. ***
Copy provided by Crown Publishing via Netgalley
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