What a great followup to David Baldacci's Memory Man the first in his Amos Decker series. The Last Mile pretty much follows where the last left off with Decker on assignment with the FBI. While traveling to his new digs he gets word of a stayed execution of Melvin Mars, a man he remembers from his early football years.
Melvin Mars is minutes away from being executed when the state of Texas stays that execution due to because another man has confessed to the crime. His knowledge of the crime scene convinces prosecutors they might have the wrong man. Decker is intrigued with this case because his only goal is finding out the truth. Regardless if that might mean finding out that Melvin Mars is in fact guilty.
After convincing the newly formed team of FBI misfits that the 20 year old case is worth looking into, things progress quickly from there. Those who are new to the series will become acquainted with Decker's mind, hyperthymesia, aren't surprised when he's able to see things about the case that don't quite fit. While the team is still trying to catch up to Decker, he's light-years ahead. Honestly, Decker's character isn't much (mainly due to his brain injury) but he is fascinating to see in action. Just the thought of not being able to forget a single thing sucks.
Adrien Monk professes it to be a gift and a curse all the time.
Anyway, as the story progresses we get to see how far up this conspiracy against a man's life goes.
One things for sure, Baldacci does not have any breaks. There weren't any dull moments and if you blink you just might miss something. The book does need to keep up with Decker's brain, of course, so it's no surprise there. Plus, Baldacci is a definite go to when I'm in need of a fast paced, suspense filled mystery.
Although the characters are paper thin and one instance was a little predictable when revealed at the end, I was still excited for this one. There was nothing more important than getting to the truth. Decker's motto.
In conclusion, although there's enough Amos Decker background to begin here with The Last Mile, I was happy I'd read Memory Man first. Fans should not be disappointed and I look forward to moving on to The Fix (eventually). I already have The Fall on deck due to a publisher inviting me to read it so... this is definitely not my last mile with Amos Decker. ****
Copy provided by Grand Central Publishing via Netgalley
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